Boskoop weekend and update

by Line

First of all; Kasper is doing great! Bedtime routines are good, I put him to bed and then he calms down himself and falls asleep – finally. Last check-up he was 10 kilos and 69 centimeters long, so he now sit in a “big seat” whenever we go somewhere by car. He still sleeps during the day (fantastic!) and eats everything (not so fantastic). May was the month for learning new stuff and he can now crawl, sit up and walk alongside the furniture. Which means he is pretty much everywhere, but I like it. He is a happy little boy, laughs and smiles a lot and is rarely crying (cool, right?) – and I’m guessing he is happier because I am happier. The only thing I struggle with is getting up in the morning, because I’m so badly hit by allergies that I find it hard to open my swollen eyes in the early morning (but I shouldn’t complain, K now sleeps from 7pm to 6am). We also have a friend of mine visiting, Mille, that you all should remember. It is nice being to people in the house, having someone to talk to and someone who likes getting up at six (I’m getting spoiled!!).

On Friday I went to Holland to visit Marjolein, and this is basically how it all went;

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On Friday we went on a short bike-trip so she could show me around where she lives, and Saturday we woke up early to go to Amsterdam. I found it to be a really disorienting city with all it’s canals and – to me – similar buildings, and even though Marjolein is Dutch, she knew almost as little as I did. We ended up just walking around looking for the Anne Frank house, a Starbucks and the Red Light District and with a little help from the hop on hop off canal bus we found all three things – to our great surprise followed by happiness. On Sunday we slept in and had a nice family barbecue before I left, and before I knew it I was back home again. If it were up to me I would have stayed for at least a week, so who knows what happens next time? The only thing I know for sure is that there will be a next time, and in the meantime I’m going to Miami to visit Dalia!

I will try to update this blog about once a month, and as I’ve said earlier – the really interested ones can go to to look at picture or have some fun with google translate. So long!